News & Updates
10 Feet Off the Fence
July is competition month. It starts with the Calgary Stampede and then, this year, the month wraps into August with the Olympics. Sandwiched in there are the RTR shows. I still have one question about climbing on to the back of a half-ton bull or a rank, bred-to-buck horse and riding said animal for 8 seconds. “Because it is fun!” doesn’t quite cut it for me. Do these people get nervous? I am sure they do, but they change that to excitement. When you change your mind- set for the competition, it will change the whole performance. When you have friends and fellow competitors cheering for you, no matter if you get bucked off or “stick” the ride, then, yes, it is fun.
It is unfortunate that Mother Nature washed out the Western part of the July show. The remnants of a tornado deluged us at the end of the English and sent all running for cover. Joanne and I sat on the bench, me trying to manage my golf umbrella and Jo in her rain gear, trying to keep her seat dry, watched the Freestyle and then we headed for cover as well. The arena was not good for beasties, so everything after Open Trail was cancelled. Yes, you get participation credit if you entered those classes.
With August fast upon us and the summer is pretty much over. I told you it would “whoosh” by. Still, some points are close, so come to the August show, tell the weather to bring sunshine, and compete.
If you missed it in July, our announcer serenaded us with a fabulous song he wrote. With his permission, it is elsewhere in the Hoof Prints. Younger people, Google the tune. Being “of a certain age”, I indeed sang the words as I read it. And now it is an “earworm”. Thanks Jeff.
Do you have your Trail Horse Trials entry in yet? They are coming in fast and furious. Do not wait until the last minute, as you may get wait listed. If you know you are not riding, please let me know as soon as possible. We can use your talents to volunteer to be a Whoa Back, do points entry or possibly judge. We also feed and water you. The Directors and last year’s judges have some interesting obstacles planned. If you do not want to compete, there is the option of just going for a pleasure ride. You will still be offered to try the obstacles, just not judged on them. E-mail, p.m. or talk to me at the August show, especially if you can lend a hand.
Not sure what the purpose is of THT? “The name of the game is to have a well-mannered team to navigate what is put in front of them. When you are on the range or in the woods you sometimes don’t know what lies ahead, around the tree, or over the bank. The Trail Horse Trials was designed to mimic, and or demonstrate the working team on the trail. It is far from predictable, hence the obstacles are not known until you come upon them.” The second reason is to demonstrate the Horsemanship, Sportsmanship and Fellowship out on the trail. There are prizes for those too.
Remember there is a set-up day on Sept. 7th. Come lend a hand. Last year it only took 2 hours to get the obstacles done. Also, if you can, contact Barb for lending a hand to check, clear and mark the trails. Yes, we sign for high school volunteer hours. See you there!
Hoorah Lads!
Anne Dales